Monday, August 20, 2012

Girl Scouts deny Deaf girl's needs... What do you think?

Read the article posted on this link to the NAD site and give us your view please.

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  1. I grew up a Girl Scout in the 70's. I did not have an interpreter at all. My Girl Scout leaders made sure I sat in front of group meetings so that I could lip read them and they repeated the audience's questions / comments for my benefit. My fellow Girl Scouts were great - they made sure I were included in their activities and I was aware of what was happening. In turn, my fellow Girl Scouts became compassionate people. I continue to keep in touch with them and I am proud of their paths in life.

    1. You had a great troop leader and great friends too! So nice to hear of positive experiences. I was a Girl Scout leader for my daughter's troop; and had the situation occurred, I know we would have done what your leader did if an interpreter was not available. I hope more troops take notice of what is really in the best interest of all the girls/boys, whichever. Thank you for your comment.
