Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Deaf UW Softball Pitcher makes news...


Do you know any Deaf or Hearing Impaired athletes?
Are they accepted by their teammates?
Did their coach or teammates learn any ASL to improve communication and build relationships?
Do you think Deaf athletes should only play on Deaf teams?


  1. My son is a Deaf BASE jumper/skydiver. You can see his stuff on Youtube at http://www.youtube.com/user/dragonii100?ob=0 and also a couple of him with his daughter in a wind tunnel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/grandma2jam?ob=0

  2. Hi there! Thank you for your post! I went to your links but there are so many videos, I wasn't sure which ones were your son and granddaughter... I watched a base jumper hit a bridge and pray that was not your son. WOW very scary. Can you tell me the title of your specific videos? Thank you again for sharing.
