As a child, from my first exposure to ASL, I wondered why we didn't all learn sign language. Why wasn't it offered in public schools as an Elementary English class or even later as an elective? It seemed to cross all language and hearing barriers; as at that time, I was unaware of Spanish SL, Japanese SL, etc. or any other kind of signed language like SEE or Pigeon. It appeared to be the PERFECT language! Everyone could communicate and I thought that would be great! Here below is yet another testimony of why it may still be a valid idea today!
What are your thoughts?
The Many Faces of the Users of Sign Language
Posted by John @ Signing Savvy on Sunday, November 25, 2012 as General Interest
a year and a half ago, I came across a young man having problems in one
of my schools. He was about five years old and like any other five
year old boy, he was a bit stubborn. But, unfortunately, he was also
known to be a bit of a “flight risk” from the classroom. We will call
him Alex.
Alex isn’t deaf. I don’t even think he is hard of hearing. Alex is a very bright young man….a bright young man with Downs Syndrome. Because of the Down’s, Alex has a lot of trouble with his expressive communication skills. He can hear everything anyone is saying to him, and he really enjoys interacting with others he comes across. He is a very affectionate boy. But up until a year and a half ago, Alex had no real way to communicate back to others what he wanted to say. He made noises here and there but other than gestures, his full thoughts were not being conveyed well and his frustration with communication was evident.
Alex isn’t deaf. I don’t even think he is hard of hearing. Alex is a very bright young man….a bright young man with Downs Syndrome. Because of the Down’s, Alex has a lot of trouble with his expressive communication skills. He can hear everything anyone is saying to him, and he really enjoys interacting with others he comes across. He is a very affectionate boy. But up until a year and a half ago, Alex had no real way to communicate back to others what he wanted to say. He made noises here and there but other than gestures, his full thoughts were not being conveyed well and his frustration with communication was evident.
Thankfully Alex’s teacher had
previously worked as a speech therapist in a Deaf and Hard of Hearing
classroom and she suggested Alex be placed in a DH/H classroom setting
where he would be submersed in sign language and he would have continual
access to those who used it. Alex picked up on the concept of signing
almost immediately. His signs, much like baby signs are often
approximations of the true ASL sign, but they are definitely
understandable. His command of language shows remarkable purpose and
Today it is AMAZING to see Alex
sign with his teachers, interpreters and his peers. He has a schedule
and knows exactly how to use it and the purpose behind it, even making
suggestions of ways to add to his schedule so that it is more complex
and inclusive to his needs. He is reading everyday words that are a
part of his schedule. His mother and the staff that work with him are
so happy with Alex’s progress. “He has become a MUCH happier boy now
that he can effectively communicate his wants and needs.” Adds one
member of his educational team. His mother’s comment, “Our home life is
night and day different and the frustrations, although still there at
times, are so much less than what they were before Alex had a voice
through sign language.” This comment brought a tear to my eye and a lump
in my throat.
These are the people we created
Signing Savvy for, the people who need a voice and those who work with
them. We know there are others out there like Alex who may not be Deaf
or Hard of Hearing but are still walking the earth “without a voice”.
If you know anyone who fits into this category, please don’t hesitate to
suggest the introduction of sign language to them. You may
dramatically change their life forever!
Alex’s face is distinctly different
than your typical Deaf or Hard of Hearing child, yet one thing is very
much the same…..the smile when he is communicating.